What is Wealthy Affiliates University about


The University that will teach you needs to know about online marketing.


Wealthy Affiliate not just about making money online

Understandably many will think Wealthy Affiliate University is just another hyper online making money platform. It is a dull and dry training platform that I have ever known. They never promise to make money on your first week, month, or two months after joining. The fact, Wealthy Affiliate focuses more on training, mentoring, and motivation.
There is no hyper-marketing from WA. The platform is just like an old school or online university training. With only reading materials, videos, and online lectures from qualified experts in the market. And they have over 250 experts and have excellent experience in the business.
You will learn from the very basic to the most advanced technics and the technical aspects of online marketing or making money online.
The foundation or fundamental of making money online is the most important. Without knowing the fundamentals of making money online, you will quickly get fraud, cheated, and drained of your hard-earned savings. Or you give up out of frustration.


What is Wealthy Affiliates University about;

Your making starts here with WA University.

Wealthy Affiliate University is a hundred percent online-based learning. You don’t have to worry about taking absent leave to attend classes. Even if you miss the live classes, you can still watch the videos saved on the platform.
As I have said in the above paragraph, the fundamentals of making money are the most important. Therefore, the level one lesson will explain the basics of making money online.

Level one lecture integrated with ten lessons. FREE Membership will get level one for FREE—Premium Membership gets five other levels with 50  lessons or classes plus hundreds more videos from previous lectures.

Another membership is Premium Plus. Anyway, Premium or Premium Plus, you will have enough knowledge to be an online entrepreneur. There are also weekly live classes by Wealthy Affiliate or by 250 experts. Topics covered are all that you need to know about making money online. Some may be the repetitions from the lessons mentioned above, and some are updated versions.

The lessons are constantly updated versions of what’s new or happening in the market out there.

The Skills 

You will learn to build a website. Or websites when you have the confidence to develop more websites. Building a website is not as difficult as we thought. It’s easy. The main issues are how to apply the application and which is appropriate with your website themes.

For the time being, ignore the online and application jargon. Just focus on the training. You get used to the terms on online vocabulary.

The content writing in getting to the first page of Google, Bing, and Yahoo search needs to understand the requirements and some know-how to apply in your writing.

The Wealthy Affiliate University program will teach all this. So put your worries aside and focus on the training.

On top of the website building skill, other skills you learn to master the below skills too ;

  • how to get your page on the first page
  • how to write effective keywords using Jaaxy (WA in house keywords research)
  • how to insert video or image in your websites
  • how to market your website
  • how to insert or integrate your social media platform in your website
  • how to communicate effectively to your readers
  • how to look at Bing and google analytics too and create tracks to monitor your website ranking online
  • Learn from experts and experienced online entrepreneurs how they generate income
  • Learn from others how they make their first sales online
  • Get motivation when you are at your lowest confidence
  • Copy others marketing strategies via online
  • Make more friends from all over the world
  • and the list goes on and on … LOL


Supports and Coaching

From my personal experience, the support from Wealthy Affiliate, both from Carson, Kyle, and other members, is very encouraging. You can email them privately or post your question on the live chat. There is always someone who will answer your queries or reply to the questions.
I remember in December 2016 when the system accidentally deducted my Membership twice. I emailed Kyle (the founder) directly, and he rectified the problem within a week. In addition, I asked a few questions about website building and my pay-per-click campaign—they replied to me within 2 to 3 days. Most replies came instantly from the chatbox, my Wealthy Affiliate personal email, and my blog post reply in the system.
I received more than just one reply or help on many occasions.
I believe in good support in this business. There is no end to the tunnel without guidance and support, and without good suggestions, you will be confused in this business and give up. That almost happened to me.

The support and coaching, most notably, are FREE of charge. No extra charges. No queues numbers. With just one monthly or yearly investment, you get all the needed support.
I am promoting Wealthy Affiliate University because I do not want you to dry up your money by greedy, profiteering individuals or companies. Unfortunately, the experience happened to me, and I lost a few thousand dollars. I wish it did not occur to you.



Wealthy Affiliate University is the best platform to date in my quest to make money online. Never regret my decision. After many years I am still a paying member with Wealthy Affiliate University and religiously promoting WA training or platform.
I strongly suggest you enroll with Wealthy Affiliate University. Enrollment can be as a FREE member, Premium, or Premium Plus. No more procrastinating. Today’s action will determine your financial freedom tomorrow.
With your financial freedom, you can help many others that need the help. My main objective of financial freedom is to help Africa and Cambodia with clean drinking water. Maybe someday we can work together on this mission. 🙂
Until my next blog, I wish you all the success. And prosperous 2022. And to good health.


Ps. Stay safe and get your vaccination.

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